Modal Verbs express meaning such as necessity and probability. We can use modal verbs to tell or allow people to do thing , or We can use them to say how certain or uncertain we are .
Modal Verbs আবশ্যিকতা ও সম্ভবতার অর্থ প্রকাশ করে।আমরা কোনো মানুষকে কোনো কাজ করার কথা বলতে বা কোনো কাজ করার অনুমতি নিতে বা দিতে Modal verb প্রয়োগ করি । নিশ্চয়তা ও অনিশ্চয়তা বোঝাতে আমরা Modal Verb ব্যবহার করে থাকি।
Modal Verbs is used to tell what is probable , possible or impossible and what somebody is able , obliged or free to do .
কোনো ঘটনার সম্ভবতা , সম্ভবনা বা অসম্ভবতা বা কোনো ব্যক্তির সামর্থ , উচিত বা স্বেচ্ছায় কিছু করা বোঝাতে Modal এর ব্যবহার হয় ।
Each modal has at least two meanings :- i) possibility .
ii) probability .
Meaning Of Modal
For a Situation →
Which is :
→ certain নিশ্চিৎ
→ probable
→ possible সম্ভব
→ impossible অসম্ভব For Somebody →
Who is :
→ obliged to something (করতে বাধ্য)
→ able to do something (করতে সক্ষম)
→ free to do something (করতে বাধাহীন)
Note : i) Modal Verb এর পর সর্বদাই Main Verb এর 1st form (V0)
বসে | [Modal + Verb0]
ii) Modal Verbs are not used in all tenses and moods .
( thus they are often called as Defective Verb)
Modal Verbs
(Present Form) (Past Form)
Shall Should
Will Would
Can Could
May Might
Must -
Ought to -
- Used to
Semi-Modal : 'Need' & ‘Dare' used both as Helping & Main Verb.
Will → indicates a willingness to do something in future .
Would → indicates general or repeated willingness in the past.
Can → indicates ability ,(also possibility)
Could → indicates ability with an option .
May → indicates more possibility .
Might → indicates less possibility .
Must → indicates necessity .
Should → indicates obligation and probability .
Shall / will to indicate futurity I shall go to school tomorrow .
Should indicating advice You should help the poor
Would indicating politeness Would you help me?
May indicating possibility It may rain today .
Might indicating possibility He might know my address,.
Can indicating ability I can do it .
Could indicating ability in the past / for politeness She could dance when she was young .
Must indicating compulsion You must do your duty .
to express ability → সামর্থ বোঝাতে → He can / could read English .
to give permission → অনুমতি দিতে → You can / may / might go . . now .
to take permission → অনুমতি নিতে → Can / Could / May / Might / . Shall I use your phone ?
to make request → অনুরোধ করতে → Will / Would /Could you . please open the door ?
to make suggestion → পরামর্শ দিতে → You Can / Could / Shall /
. Should try his phone number .
to express possibility → সম্ভাবনা বোঝাতে → It Can / Could / May . Might be true .
to express duty → কর্তব্য বোঝাতে → You Should / Ought to /. . must do your duty .